
Strategic Partner

Gold Sponsor

Under the auspices

Under the auspices


Registrations are currently closed. The deadline for registrations was on 25/05/2017 @ 21:00

Evaluation Process & Declaration of Competition Winners 


The Cyprus Computer Society organizes the CYPRUS ROBOTEX CHALLENGE based on the standards and regulations of the International Robotics Competition ROBOTEX Estonia.

The competition aims to upgrade the field of educational robotics, the introduction of robotics technolgoy in the educational process at all levels and the enhancement of the scientific fields of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and the promotion of new learning methods amongst students and educators. 

Attracting students in the fields of STEM, the development of tranversal skills of students, the interdisciplinary analysis and problem solving skills are primary objectives of the competition. The enhancement of communication, team and collaboration spirit amongst students and educators at all levels of the educational system are also promoted as opportunities for joint projects are offered.

Recognizing the importance of coding skills and their contribution in the opening of new career and employment horizons, competitors are offered with unique opportunities to challenge themselves in proving their unique talents while solving practical problems. 

Review the detailed announcement of the event.

Teams 185
Robots 224
Players 534
Coaches 95


Σεμινάρια Εκπαίδευσης Εκπαιδευτών - Ιανουάριος 2018

We are getting ready for the 2nd Robotex Cyprus, by organising the Train the Trainers Seminar in January 2018.    Please see the seminars list below and register here   

Important Instructions to Coaches & Final Programme of the Event

We would like to inform the coaches and participants of the CYPRUS ROBOTEX CHALLENGE for the final programme of the event that includes detailed instructions and information important to everyone regarding the time of execution of the various events, the arrangements for the registration process on [...]

Cyta Competition - Enter to Win an ENGINO ERP PRO 1.3 Robot!

Wothin the framework of its participation as Strategic Partner of the Cyprus Computer Society, Cyta launches a competition with the prize being a  ENGINO ERP PRO 1.3 robot. You can participate easily to win the ENGINO robot, simply press here  to proceed. 

Engino Mini & LEGO WeDO για 4η - 6η Δημοτικού

Following the request from a number of training centers and schools, the Organizing Committee of the Cyprus Robotex Challenge decided to extend the possibility for participation in the  ENGINO MINI & LEGO WeDO challenge so PRIMARY SCHOOL students attending grades 4TH- 6TH. The terms of participat [...]

Evaluation Criteria for ENGINO MINI & LEGO WeDO

During its last meeting on Tuesday 18 April, the Scientific Committee of the CYPRUS ROBOTEX CHALLENGE approved the evaluation criteria to be used for the ENGINO MINI & LEGO WeDO challenges. The ciriteria are based on the  on the criteria used in the international ROBOTEX competition and inlcude the [...]

Καλοκαιρινό Σχολείο ENGINO

Η βραβευμένη κυπριακή εταιρία ENGINO, χρυσός χορηγός του CYPRUS ROBOTEX CHALLENGE,  διοργανώνει για τρίτη συνεχή χρονιά την κατασκήνωση Engino STEM CAMP 2017! Η κατασκήνωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο ξενοδοχείο Droushia Heights στον Ακάμα στην Πάφο, από Δευτέρα 26/6/2017 – Σάββατο 1/7/2017. Στην κατα [...]

My Robot will Knock Out Yours!

According to Wikipedia, in the original Japanese Sumo wrestling a wrestler (called rikishi ) attempts to force another wrestler out of a circular ring (caller dohyō) or into touching the ground with anything other than the soles of his feet. Well, similar to the international Robotex Competition in [...]

Who will Exit the Maze First?

Inspired from Greek Mythology and Theseus who had to fight against the Μinotaur in order to exit the labyrinth (maze), this exciting competition will amaze participants and visitors of all ages.  Robots must find the exit of the maze as quickly as possible in order to win this competition Watch a [...]

Train the Trainers on ENGINO & LEGO Platforms

Following the successful exection of a series of trainings on robotics programming using ENGINO ERP PRO and LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 platforms delivered in all cities during the period of 22 January - 19 March 2017, we now return with two more trainings as follows:  ENGINO ERP MINI, Limassol, Wedne [...]

Do you have a Road Safety Awareness Culture?

An exciting competition will take place during the CYPRUS ROBOTEX CHALLENGE that promotes good driving practices and culture among participants. The challenge of City Passing will involve driving a car through the city carefully and by following driving regulations the competitors will have to park [...]

Theme for ENGINO Mini & LEGO WeDO Announced

During its meeting on 20th March 2017, the Scientific Committee decided the theme of the ENGINO Mini & LEGO WeDO competition to be "Robots in our Lives". Students in the 1st - 3rd Grade of Primary Schools will use their imagination and creativity to construct an environment based on the theme and de [...]


Strategic Partner

Gold Sponsors

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