
Strategic Partner

Gold Sponsor

Under the auspices

Under the auspices


It is clarified that the selection of the BEST OF THE BEST team in the challenges of LINE FOLLOWING, ENGINO LINE FOLLOWING & LEGO LINE FOLLOWING the competing teams had the opportunity to compete up to three times during which which the judges recorded the number of wins of each team, for example 2-0, 2-0, 1-2, 2-1. However, our information system that supports the event does not allow the recording of wins of each team. As a result the Scientific Committee decided to record indicative times that reflect the actual ranking of the teams/robots.
Winners - Engino Mini - Primary 1st - 3rd Grade
TeamRobot namePlayersCoachOrganization
Keep goingKeep goingLoizos Ioannou
Gioulia Zakou
Nikolas Pakkouti
Katerina HadjigeorgiouApoplous
Results: Engino Mini


IDTeam nameRobotScoreRank
178Keep goingKeep going30 1
113Custom Robotics 1Future28 2
199Recycle RoboKids of AristeveinThe Recycler27 3
123First RoboTeamNumber One25
108The smart boysPetito21
240Little RobotsRobot Helper19
241Robot PetsRobot Dog19
235RoboFriendsMechanoid 0
211STEM4Kids2STEM_Nikolas 0